A throwback to the ’90s thriller, Paranoia has gizmo upstart Liam Hemsworth hired by shady tech titan Gary Oldman to corporate spy on even shadier tech titan Harrison Ford’s revolutionary new cell phone. He then falls for marketeer Amber Heard, ignores his pop (Richard Dreyfuss), and sells his soul with all the depth of an episode of The OC. Robert Luketic suffuses the action with pizzazz — time-lapse imagery, stuttered frame footage — but the script takes the smart out of smartphone, the casting strains credibility — Hemsworth as an up-all-night code writer? — and even the mouthwatering Air Force One reunion never really takes off.
Paranoia Review

Fired from his job, coder Adam Cassidy (Hemsworth) is caught using his company card in a bar and blackmailed into corporate espionage on behalf of shady CEO (Oldman). This swiftly leads him into a dangerous world of violence and corruption.
Release Date:
07 Mar 2014
Running Time:
102 minutes
Original Title:
Even a cast boasting Oldman and Harrison Ford can't salvage his dreary, contrived corporate thriller.
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