The Oranges Review

Oranges, The
Two New Jersey families, the Wallings (Hugh Laurie and Catherine Keener) and the Ostroffs (Oliver Platt and Allison Janney), are best friends and neighbours. But when Nina Ostroff (Meester) returns home after a five-year gap, their lives are suddenly thrown into turmoil.

by Olly Richards |
Published on
Release Date:

07 Dec 2012

Running Time:

90 minutes



Original Title:

Oranges, The

Two very close families are simultaneously glued together and cleaved apart when the father of one (Hugh Laurie) and daughter of the other (Leighton Meester) begin a relationship. Ian Helfer and Jay Reiss’ script avoids going in all of the obvious directions, making this affair distasteful but deeper than a fling. However, in places it feels unfinished, particularly in any part involving the humiliated wife (Catherine Keener), whose vague actions seem pieced together at the last minute. A cast to kill for elevates even the weaker scenes, filling out a story that is entertaining but lacking any singular memorable moment.

The storyline delicately tiptoes along the line of good taste and is embroidered by a first-rate cast. Still, a knockout moment is missing.
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