Lars Mikkelsen is super in this violent revenge thriller, doing a Rutger Hauer as a disabled assassin with mad skills. He’s on a vengeful quest for a Balkan war criminal-turned-East End crime lord, while also mentoring teen waif Montana (McKell David). Leon meets The Karate Kid in the training for a fateful climax, foiling gangsters, corrupt cops and a tough but baffled DCI (Michelle Fairley). All this from a derelict hideaway with suspiciously spectacular London views. Ali pulls out all the stops, even going for a Cronenbergian bathhouse brouhaha, for a tale with more character than the usual Mockney thuggery.
Montana Review

Montana (David), a 14 year-old from East London, runs drugs for a bunch of unscrupulous Russian mobsters. When a rival gang steals his stash, Serbian assassin Dmitri (Mikkelsen) steps in to save him - soon taking him under his wing too.
Release Date:
12 Dec 2014
Running Time:
104 minutes
Original Title:
Tougher than a box of nails, this is a brassy revenge thriller that refuses to pull its punches.
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