Shortly after its German premiere in 1927, Fritz Lang’s sci-fi classic was cut by a quarter; the longer version was thought lost, but miraculously turned up in an Argentine film two years ago. Astonishingly, the scissor-men didn’t just trim dull scenes — this restores actual plot material (the story makes sense, which it hasn’t for decades), fleshes out many of the characters and adds heroic saving-the-orphans-from-the-flood action beats which makes for a more exciting, satisfying finish. The restored footage is in rougher shape than the rest of the film, which looks so pristine it’s a discovery in itself — and it remains one of the cinema’s most visually amazing films: the 2001, the Blade Runner, the Avatar of its day.
Metropolis Review

The son of the Master Of Metropolis falls for an angelic social worker, while a metal-armed mad scientist creates a gleaming, seductive, female robot to infiltrate the revolutionary movement.
Release Date:
10 Jan 1927
Running Time:
145 minutes
Original Title:
The newly restored footage enhances sci-fi's first masterpiece, making this essential viewing for any movie lover.
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