A megalodon (giant prehistoric shark) and a giant octopus, flash-frozen mid-combat in the last ice age, wake up and go on separate rampages before getting back into a tussle for the climax. Co-starring marine biologist Debbie Gibson (“It’s not easy being brilliant under armed guard”) and ponytailed officer Lorenzo Lamas (“If we don’t find a viable means of stopping this fucker, Sharkzilla’s gonna own the seas!”), this is on a par with or just worse than Shark In Venice or Boa Vs. Python, but has at least one talkworthy moment (the in-flight shark attack). Internet giggling may have stirred this surprising cinema release.
Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus Review

The two giant monsters from the title are unfrozen from an iceberg after having been trapped alive since prehistoric times only to cause destruction and mayhem.
Release Date:
07 Aug 2009
Running Time:
85 minutes
Original Title:
Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus
Daft, plain daft. With a few daft but spectacular stunts.
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