Love The Beast Review

Love The Beast
Eric Bana has a special relationship with his very first car, a Ford GT Falcon Coupe, and decides to enter it in The Targa Tasmania Rally, with the help of his good friends. But not everything goes according to plan.

by empire |
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Release Date:

13 Nov 2009

Running Time:

88 minutes



Original Title:

Love The Beast

Movie star petrol-heads are really nothing new, with Steve McQueen and Paul Newman cinema’s best-known proponents of pushing the pedal to the metal. Ex-Hulk Eric Bana also worships at the automotive altar, and Love The Beast is an indulgent but moving account of a decades-long love affair with his first car, a Ford GT Falcon Coupe, aka ‘The Beast’. When he enters the re-tooled car into an endurance rally, it’s a chance to relive his youth and reconnect with old pals, but an exercise in nostalgia is deepened by an unexpected event.

Interviews with Jeremy Clarkson and Jay Leno plump the running time of what should really be viewed on the small screen. But if you love Top Gear, this is for you.

Documentary around one movie star and his beloved first motor.
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