An E4 sitcom waiting to happen, Lola Versus is a variably entertaining attempt to skewer late-twentysomething anxieties. Engaged and dumped before the opening credits, Greta Gerwig’s Lola hangs with best friend (co-writer Zoe Lister Jones), sleeps with well-hung prison architect (Ebon Moss-Bachrach) and slides towards romance with geek mate (Hamish Linklater), while her ex (Joel Kinnaman) lurks in the background. There are funny scenes, but it suffers from a surfeit of quirk and familiarity. Still, Gerwig is to indie what Dwayne Johnson is to action: she’ll boost a so-so flick by at least 30 per cent.
Lola Versus Review

Dumped on the eve of her wedding and bereft, New Yorker Lola (Gerwig) consoles herself with cheap sex and even cheaper booze. When neither do more than paper over the cracks it falls to her best friend (Lister Jones) to help pull her from her tailspin.
Release Date:
20 Jul 2012
Running Time:
87 minutes
Original Title:
Lola Versus
Winsome as ever, Gerwig ensures this insubstantial but occasionally charming rom-com is likeable, even if it packs all the punch of a cream puff.
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