The majority of you can breathe a huge sigh of relief, because this zany (read 'incoherent'), gross-out (read 'offensively puerile') comedy (read 'notÆ') won't be getting a theatrical release anywhere near you. Anyone, however, reading this in Birmingham - the city in which it is loosely set and thus the only one to be subjected to its non-existent pleasures - be afraid.
An utterly inept attempt to put a British spin on the last few years returns to toilet humour, Edgar's feature debut is an unmitigated disaster. It's also a terrible waste of de Woolfson, here bungling his way through a sea of dildos, stained pants and dire Les Dennis cameos in the pursuit of his dream girl (Gutteridge). Think Ken Loach meets the Farrelly brothers. Actually, no, best not.