Nihal G. Koldas and Begüm Akkaya excel as the dying matriarch and the Kurdish bride transported to Vienna as her successor. But the arthouse aesthetic can’t disguise the melodramatic core of this look at migrants caught between indigenous and assimilated cultures.
Kuma Review

When Ayse (Akkaya), a 19 year-old Turkish village girl, becomes the second wife - or 'kuma' - of aging patriarch Mustafa (Erincin), she has to move to the unfamiliar surrounds of Vienna. There she meets the woman she will eventually replace, Mustafa's dying first wife, Fatma (Koldas).
Release Date:
16 Aug 2013
Running Time:
93 minutes
Original Title:
The drama simmers gently, as Kurdish-Austrian director Umut Dag handles his debut feature with assurance.
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