Based on a true story King of Devil’s Island tells the unsettling tale of a group of young delinquents banished to the remote prison of Bastøy. Under the guise of rehabilitation the boys’ daily regime is dictated by mental and physical abuse at the hands of their wardens. The arrival of new boys Erling (Helstad) and Ivar (Magnus Langlete) spark a chain of events that ultimately ignite rebellion. King of Devil’s Island explores a sinister moment in Norwegian history that won’t be forgotten.
King Of Devil’s Island Review
A group of young offenders finds itself exiled in Norway's notorious Bastoy Prison where a brutal regime awaits them. The arrival of new boys Erling (Helstad) and Ivar (Magnus Langlete) soon sparks a rebellion in their ranks.
Release Date:
29 Jun 2012
Running Time:
120 minutes
Original Title:
King Of Devil’s Island
A bleakly beautiful, austere film that doesn't patronise its audience.
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