Arguably the edgiest release to come out of Bollywood since Baghban, Khakee is a powerfully intense movie set on the mean streets of Mumbai. It shares Baghban's themes of corruption, fear and redemption and throws in blistering set-pieces and a host of great performances. Amitabh Bachchan plays a gritty cop whose attempts to transfer a terrorist result in a nerve-racking ordeal. Impeccably cast, this illustrates how intelligent dialogue and direction can take the viewer beyond genre limitations. Amitabh Bachchan is excellent as the cop in the winter of his career, constantly overlooked and underestimated by an ungrateful force, while Akshay Kumar also puts in a worthy performance as an unscrupulous senior officer.
Khakee Review

A diverse team of police officers are given the assignment of escorting what is believed to be a dangerous terrorist from Chandigarh to Mumbai. But in a corrupt and dangerous place, someone doesn't want them to complete their journey. What starts out as a three day trip turns into a nerve-testing nightmare.
Release Date:
01 Jan 2004
Running Time:
0 minutes
Original Title:
A genuinely suspenseful cop thriller from the subcontinent.
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