In absence of any press screenings, we caught this at the local multiplex, where a weird communal feeling set in, of having survived something together, like cinematic disaster victims. Keith Lemon may well work in the Heat-lite confines ITV2, but on the big screen Leigh Francis’ creation is as thin as economy toilet roll. Liberally stealing from Steve Martin’s The Jerk, the plot sends Lemon’s walking Profanosaurus on an idiot-in-the-city odyssey, in pursuit of fame, fortune and an astonishingly game Kelly Brook. A cracking Apple parody hits the spot. Otherwise, the aimless, endless spray of wank jokes sum up the project's bludgeoning self-indulgence. With its Z-list cameos not even an Iceland advert would go near (Jedward! Vernon Kaye! Craig from out of Big Brother!), it has all the grimly parochial appeal of Macclesfield panto.
Keith Lemon: The Film Review

Smalltime, Leeds-based businessman Keith Lemon (Francis) travels to London for an inventors convention. He hits paydirt when he sticks a lemon to a mobile phone but will he ditch his girlfriend (Laura Aikman), best mate (Bishop) and Northern roots for b
Release Date:
24 Aug 2012
Running Time:
85 minutes
Original Title:
Keith Lemon: The Film
Spice Girls The Movie. Guest House Paradiso. Lesbian Vampire Killers. You have company...
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