The first instalment of John G. Avildsen's martial arts franchise is starting to look ever so slightly dated, with its 80s fashions and AOR soundtrack.That said, Ralph Macchio's transformation from high school geek to butt-kicking tough guy, thanks to a little help from Chinese sage Mr. Miyagi (Noriyuki 'Pat' Morita) and his homespun Oriental wisdom, is entertaining enough. And while this may be as soppy and predictable as they come, it still reminds you why you used to enjoy '80s teen flicks so much in the first place.
The Karate Kid Review

Daniel (Macchio) goes on a journey from weedy newcomer to kick-ass martial arts champion with the physical and philosophical help of Mr Miyagi (Mortia) and his all-American girlfriend Ali (Shue).
Release Date:
01 Jan 1984
Running Time:
NaN minutes
Original Title:
Karate Kid, The
While this may be as soppy and predictable as they come, it still reminds you why you used to enjoy '80s teen flicks so much in the first place.
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