Julia Has Two Lovers Review

Young every-woman Julia (Kastner) is not completely happy with her long time, conservative boyfriend (Charles) who wants to marry her, but also wants her to be the full domestic, child-raising type. Then comes a phone call from a total stranger (Duchovny), which turns her life upside down.

by Robyn Karney |
Published on
Release Date:

22 Mar 1991

Running Time:

86 minutes



Original Title:

Julia Has Two Lovers

Bashar Shbib (a Syrian Canadian working out of LA) and Daphna Kastner (she wrote the story, co-wrote the screenplay and is Julia) have made a small-scale, rough-hewn independent movie, set largely in an apartment at Venice Beach, which is bound to be a wow with twentysomethings of all ages.

Julia, an ordinarily pleasant-looking girl who writes kids' books and dreams of romantic and erotic fulfilment, lives with a wimpy publisher (Charles) who lurves her and desperately wants to marry her. Actually, he desperately wants the archetypal middle-class wife of yesteryear, who cooks, sews and raises the children. Julia is unenthusiastically mulling over his proposal when she receives a phone call from a stranger (Duchovny, a Richard Gere lookalike who plays transvestite Denise in Twin Peaks). The pair spend the day getting acquainted - intimately - by telephone, which brings "shit hits the fan" consequences for all three protagonists, but true liberation for Julia.

'Julia' has the raw freshness of Hal Hartley's The Unbelievable Truth, though it's hotter on the raw than the fresh, and the audacity, but not the maturity or sophistication, of sex, lies and videotape.

It often has an improvised feel: some of it is crude, occasionally it's really silly and one or twice it's tedious. Nonetheless, it's very outspoken, and, sufficiently sexy and funny (with a gently veiled feminist message) to appeal to many.
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