Literal doorknobs. Flying moustaches. A meat monster. Yes, we’re deep in the loopy horror-comedy brain of Phantasm/Bubba Ho-Tep’s Don Coscarelli, here drawing from David Wong’s suitably nutty book. Two slacker “exorcist investigators” (Chase Williamson’s Dave and Rob Mayes’ John) investigate a new street drug called Soy Sauce. The effects? Try some gonzo, inter-dimensional, supernatural weirdness, and all manner of odd powers for our heroes, who must save the world. It gets messy, but John Dies... keeps up the entertainment levels by shooting the rule book, waiting for it to reanimate and shooting it again for luck. Cultdom beckons.
John Dies At The End Review

Exorcist investigators Dave (Williamson) and John (Mayes) discover a mind bending new narc called Soy Sauce. Their grasp on reality sounds disappears through the nearest portal.
Release Date:
22 Mar 2013
Running Time:
99 minutes
Original Title:
John Dies At The End
Gonzo freakiness in such doses that cult status is practically ensured.
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