In 1940, Nazis tunnel into London, and it’s up to an orphan (Ewan McGregor), a Yankee flier (Dominic West) and a motley bunch of country folk to save Churchill (Timothy Spall) from the Panzers. A British puppetmation with a star voice cast (Alan Cumming, Rosamund Pike, Richard E. Grant etc.) and a promising alternative World War II set-up, this suffers from a fatally unfunny script, unappealing characters and an unwise decision to ditch its ‘England invaded’ premise for a terrible Braveheart parody. The Gerry Anderson-ish sets and Commando Library-style titles suggest that with a sharper script, this could have been ripping rather than ramshackle.
Jackboots On Whitehall Review

When the Wehrmacht storm London it's up to a motley band of country dwellers to prevent a total invasion.
Release Date:
08 Oct 2010
Running Time:
97 minutes
Original Title:
Jackboots On Whitehall
The Dad's Army premise is undermined by a limp script and soggy Braveheart pastiche, although the strong voice cast prevent disaster.
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