This year, worldwide, 5000 women will be killed by their own family. Some will be British. Shan Khan’s thriller sets out to dramatise the dark intimacies of an honour killing but its topical edge gets blunted by cliché. Marked for death after dating a Punjabi, Aiyshi Hart goes on the run. Her family hire Paddy Considine to bring her back. Considine’s fascist bounty hunter and Hart’s defiant victim form a raw, uneasy bond that crackles with racial tension. The suspense, however, just isn’t there, steadily drained by a murky, monotone mood, psychotic character shifts and a pulpy, implausible third act.
Honour Review

A pariah for dating a man from a different faith, Mona (Hart) is marked for death. She disappears somewhere in London and a bounty hunter is hired to find out (Considine). Soon, though, he's faced with some decisions of his own.
Release Date:
04 Apr 2014
Running Time:
102 minutes
Original Title:
An interesting premise but stodgy, suspense-free execution.
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