Ursula Meier has called her latest offering “a road movie in reverse”. However, this dystopian parable could just as easily be labelled psychological horror, paranoic sci-fi or black comedy. Isabelle Huppert, Olivier Gourmet and their three children have spent a blissful decade living in a house abutting an abandoned highway, but when the authorities suddenly open it, the family’s privacy is replaced by a non-stop toxic intrusion. Seemingly the inevitable coda to Jean-Luc Godard’s Weekend and Jacques Tati’s Traffic, this is a deeply disconcerting provocation about the future of civilisation: a powerfully performed vision of an insignificant humanity.
Home Review

A family try to live with the reality of their lives after the abandoned highway they have lived adjacent to for years is suddenly reopened to traffic.
Release Date:
07 Aug 2009
Running Time:
98 minutes
Original Title:
Insightful and moving, with some sterling performances.
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