Simon Pegg is an odd fit for a self-helpy, Eat Pray Love-ish movie, yet here he is playing a psychologist who decides he’s not happy — with his lovely girlfriend (Rosamund Pike), well-paid job and swanky apartment — so goes off around the world to find what makes him tick, making banal observations as he goes. It’s hard to like Hector, a man who cheats on his girlfriend within days of leaving her and moans in the face of great fortune. Cod philosophical insights of the sort you might see printed over a photo of a sunset on Facebook don’t help.
Hector And The Search For Happiness Review

Despite success, a nice apartment and a girlfriend who looks an awful lot like Rosamund Pike, London psychiatrist Hector is unhappy. Very unhappy. Packing his bags, kissing his girlfriend goodbye, he sets off on a global odyssey to find his inner joy.
Release Date:
15 Aug 2014
Running Time:
120 minutes
Original Title:
Hector And The Search For Happiness
Despite the gusto its star brings to the role, it's hard to ride shotgun on Hector's voyage of discovery.
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