This low-budget slice of British Viking action is two-thirds 2000AD adventure, but goes nicely Apocalypse Beowulf in its third act, as Charlie Bewley faces down his Grendel-Kurtz brother Elliot Cowan. Brutal fights and great photography, even if some of the performances are less so.
Hammer Of The Gods Review

Ancient Britain, 871 AD. It's the age of the Vikings and a time when men must prove themselves where young Viking warriors must prove themselves in the furnace of battle. One such is Steinar (Bewley), who is sent on a quest to find his estranged brother by his dying father.
Release Date:
30 Aug 2013
Running Time:
95 minutes
Original Title:
Hammer Of The Gods
A bloody-knuckled fightfest, back-dropped by the beautiful Welsh countryside, this defies its budget to bring a little epic to Viking Britain.
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