Its Honey for boys! West Side Story with baggier trousers and less plot! Above both those things, You Got Served is a shameless promo by writer/director Stokes for the boyband members-turned-actors who make up the cast and who, coincidentally, he also happened to manage at the time of making the film.
Similarly to Honey, this has a group of underprivileged kids trying to better their lives by dancing their little butts off (this time in dance-off battles for money), and fortunately they do this very well, bouncing around like boneless little jack rabbits and making the dance segments by far the most enjoyable parts of the film.
The rest is lazy, after-school special tosh, with some dubious moral behaviour chucked in for good measure, directed with all the panache of a corporate video. If you pay out money to see this, you got fleeced.