There's a terrific documentary to be made about the creepy, multi-billion-dollar industry that supplies real human hair, mostly from poor Russians and Indians, for the extensions and weaves worn by millions of women in the West. Sadly, this well-intentioned but weakly executed effort, fronted by US comic Chris Rock, isn’t it. Rock was inspired to investigate after his five year-old daughter asked him, “How come I don’t have good hair?”, so it’s doubly surprising that his heart doesn’t seem to be in it. Despite dozens of interviews, from celebrity customers to Indian hair donors, Rock fails to pull the rug out from under the hair trade as effectively, or emotively, as singer Jamelia did in her 2008 TV effort, Whose Hair Is It Anyway?. Good, but not good enough.
Good Hair Review

Chris Rock embarks on a quest to uncover the multi-billion dollar hair industry in the US.
Release Date:
25 Jun 2010
Running Time:
96 minutes
Original Title:
Good Hair
Despite dozens of interviews and Rock's personal agenda, this isn't the hard-hitting expose it should have been.
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