This movie, made to monopolise on the publicity attendant upon Elvis' two-year hitch in the army, marks the settling into the rut that blighted the rest of his screen career.
Elvis is a humble Gl in picturesque, colourful Germany, and he has to sing to make ends meet and sort out his problems. His main problem is getting off with prim, demure, down-to-earth Juliet Prowse and avoiding the temptation of wild, sexy, uninhibited Leticia Roman.
Along the way, he gets into a fight with bullies, pals around with a cute German baby who ought to be killed, and sings one terrific, classic number (Gl Blues) while swiveling his hips, but is forced to do nearly a dozen forgettable pieces of fluff (Wooden Heart, Pocketful Of Rainbows) as he goes.