Nominated for four Oscars, this 1970s classic stars Jack Nicholson as Robert Eroica Dupea, scion of an uppercrust family of classical musicians, who has dropped out of high society and works South-Western oil-wells, but finds himself just as out of place with the good ole boys as with the intellectual elite. A family crisis forces Bobby to take to the road to return to the Dupea enclave, and his streak of irrepressible rebellion starts to look like deep-dyed rottenness. In his first great star role, Nicholson shacks up with trampy but good-hearted waitress Black, and snarls anarchically at life's little oppressions
Five Easy Pieces Review

Robert Dupea returns from his work in the oil fields to visit his dying father, bringing his waitress girlfriend with him. At home he confronts his wealthy high-society past and the fact that he walked away from a promising career as a concert pianist to work the oil fields.
Release Date:
12 Sep 1970
Running Time:
96 minutes
Original Title:
Five Easy Pieces
A key turn-of-the-decade film, with Nicholson railing against waitresses and barking at noisy dogs as Rafelson observes seedily picturesque roadside America.
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