First Daughter Review

First Daughter
A rom-com in which the first daughter (Katie Holmes) of the US President heads off to college where she falls for a graduate student. When she learns that he's been keeping secrets from her, however, it looks like all her dreams might be dashed.

by Lucy Aitken |
Published on
Release Date:

11 Feb 2005

Running Time:

106 minutes



Original Title:

First Daughter

In this saccharine coming-of-age flick, the US President's daughter Sam Mackenzie (Holmes) yearns for a normal college life without being tailed by secret service agents and hounded by photographers.

Senior student James (Blucas) and room-mate Mia (Rogers) make life bearable, but when Sam does a slutty dance while out partying, she lands in the gutter press before anyone can say 'campaign-wrecker'. According to the President (a comatose Keaton), she's not just let down her parents and Uncle Sam, she's shamed herself, and must choose her father's ambitions or her own.

The rest is predictable pap, with only a minor nod in the direction of originality, and it's all handled with a lack of panache that would have Chelsea Clinton or the Bush twins crying into their designer handbags.

Holmes' wholesome charm keeps the movie afloat, but only just.
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