Dwayne Johnson talked a lot during the making of this ’70s action throwback about how he was itching to get back to more muscular movies after his family comedy run. Sadly, this isn’t quite the vehicle he hoped it would be. Largely inert, it finds Johnson anchoring a pedestrian revenge thriller about a man tracking down and blowing large chunks out of the people who killed his brother and set him up during a heist. Johnson does his best impression of a monosyllabic man mountain while Billy Bob Thornton largely looks tired as the cop on his trail. And for something calling itself “Faster”, boasting a main character referred to only as “Driver”, there’s a startling lack of real car chaos or anything other than routine rumbles.
Faster Review

An ex-con known only as Driver (Johnson) is hell-bent on avenging the death of his brother, who died ten years previously when the pair were double-crossed during a heist. Soon, though, he has a pair of cops and a hitman (Oliver Jackson-Cohen) on his trail.
Release Date:
25 Mar 2011
Running Time:
98 minutes
Original Title:
As a violent but mediocre nod to '70s action thrillers, it's a curiously inert affair, leaving the one-time Rock to pass the time by shooting people in the head. Missable.
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