An adventurous, if not entirely successful sequel to Wings Of Desire, showcasing Wim Wenders mild obsession with his hometown of Berlin. Most impressive is the cast list, ranging from Willem Dafoe to Mikail Gorbachov, but the film centres around fallen angel Otto Sander, who becomes embroiled in a not altogether convincing gun running thriller plot. Desires Ganz returns with his acrobatic troupe to foil the badguys. Much better is Wenders moody pondering of the liberated Berlin, and a collection of fascinating little cameos from, a trifle wooden Gorby, a droll Lou Reed, and a grinning Dafoe supposedly the personification of evil.
Far Away, So Close! Review
A group of angels in the German capital who look longingly upon the life of humans.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1993
Running Time:
144 minutes
Original Title:
Far Away, So Close!
The eccentric performances make this otherwise flawed film work.
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