Easter Parade Review

Easter Parade
On the day before Easter 1911, Don Hewes' dancing partner Natalie refuses to renew her contract to dance with him, prefering to star in her own right. He vows to turn the next girl he meets into his new partner, landing on innocent Hannah Brown, who dances with him and falls for him - but does he still love Natalie?

by Kim Newman |
Published on
Release Date:

08 Jul 1948

Running Time:

0 minutes



Original Title:

Easter Parade

When his partner (leggy Ann Miller) splits, Astaire brags he can turn anyone into a star, then hauls Garland out of the chorus and plays Svengali – with a happier ending. Astaire is on fine form as ever as the dashing and gallant Don Hewes, who nevertheless utterly fails to notice that his leading lady is madly in love with him. Judy Garland, meanwhile, is sweetly innocent as the up-and-coming country girl out of her depth in the starry world of showbusiness, and the two work well together both onstage and off.

The stand-out musical numbers include the excellent Couple Of Swells and Steppin' Out With My Baby. Wonderful.

A gorgeously-coloured MGM showcase for Fred Astaire, Judy Garland and the sublime Irving Berlin song catalogue.
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