Lonely kid Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) meets injured dolphin and — here we go again — tries to heal his Huckleberry friend and, henceforth, the world. Taking the true story of a Florida sealife hospital that crafted a prosthetic tail (titular pun alert) for marine amputee Winter, this family adventure’s adult cast boasts Ashley Judd as single mum, Morgan Freeman as prosthetics expert, and Harry Connick Jr. as dolphin whisperer. It’s somewhat moving when Sawyer’s dream to save Winter overcomes realistic expectations and the fish inspires army veterans and disabled children statewide. Yet the evolution of kids’ films makes this boy-meets-dolphin romance feel worn-out, dumbing down what could have been compelling viewing and providing little beyond a passable 3D filmic alternative to a day at SeaWorld.
Dolphin Tale Review

Based on the real-life story of Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) and his pet dolphin. His injured pet dolphin, that is, and one Sawyer tries to fix with a prosthetic flipper. Oh, and love.
Release Date:
14 Oct 2011
Running Time:
113 minutes
Original Title:
Dolphin Tale
A good shout if your kids like this sort of thing, otherwise best head to your local aquarium.
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