In The Dark Half Review

In The Dark Half
Mouthy 15 year-old Marie (Barden) is troubled and, for her mum, troubling. But when her neighbour's young son Sean dies while she's babysitting him, she's guilt-ridden and finds herself tormented by a strange presence.

by Kim Newman |
Published on
Release Date:

10 Aug 2012

Running Time:

85 minutes



Original Title:

In The Dark Half

Sullen teen Marie (Jessica Barden, very good) babysits for her neighbour (Tony Curran). When her ward mysteriously dies, a supernatural presence draws her to the dark woods nearby. Compelling turns and creepy scares, but a plot that crawls to a halt rather than reaching a climax.

Well played and creepy, if a little plodding in plot and pacing, it promises better things ahead from director Alastair Siddons.
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