Debra Winger is so focused in her unnerving portrayal of a backward innocent whose compulsive honesty opens several cans of worms that she overshadows the other two sides of an unusual love triangle (Gabriel Byrne as a boozy, fitfully poetic handyman and Barbara Hershey as retarded Wingers young aunt/guardian). Director Stephen Gyllenhaal gives the oddball drama atmosphere and claustrophobia, but the extremes of behaviour are presented too coldly to absorb, despite Wingers extraordinary performance.
A Dangerous Woman Review

Martha Horgan is mentally slow. She lives with her aunt and can never tell a lie. She get's romantically involved with a handyman who is attracted to her naivety.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1993
Running Time:
102 minutes
Original Title:
A Dangerous Woman
Affecting but uneven drama.
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