A long, thin musical, loosely based on The Search For Bridey Murphy, with Barbra Streisand as a tough-talking New York neurotic who consults hypnotist Yves Montand in order to give up smoking and finds herself regressing to a previous life as an 18th Century waif, with a highly Streisandish English accent, who rises from poverty to the aristocracy so Barb can get into some major costumes.
Alan Jay Lerner and Burton Lane’s Broadway musical was a troubled production, with an ailing and indecisive Vincente Minnelli not quite getting control of the story, even to the extent of filming a major song-and-dance number featuring Jack Nicholson as Streisand’s hippie stepbrother and then cutting it out, depriving future generations of a chance to laugh at a soon-to-be superstar’s singing. Aside from the title number, which is sung by drag acts to this day, all the songs (Hurry, It’s Lovely Up Here, Love With All The Trimmings, What Did I Have That I Don’t Have?) have been justly forgotten.