As the vehicle for Dana Carvey to launch his solo career, this dumb reworking of Groundhog Day has a lot to be desired. The premise is cute enough, with affable gumshoe Carvey losing his memory everytime he goes to sleep, forcing him to catch up with the plot each time he wakes up. The problem is its not really worth it, just Michael Gambon, some hoodlums and a stolen, priceless coin. Meanwhile the jokes are left to a talented Jack Russell with a depth perception problem having him slamming into all nearby walls, windows and car doors.
Clean Slate Review

Pogue is a private eye with a problem: every morning when he wakes up, he has total amnesia, waking up with a 'blank slate'. Since he is in the middle of a hot investigation and has a developing romance, this is less than convenient.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1994
Running Time:
107 minutes
Original Title:
Clean Slate
Comedy, but not a very funny one.
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