The Class (Klass) Review

Class (Klass), The
Kaspar attempts to lessen the bullying inflicted upon his classmate Joosep but things just start to escalate alarmingly.

by William Thomas |
Published on
Release Date:

26 Aug 2007

Running Time:

99 minutes



Original Title:

Class (Klass), The

Estonia’s 2007 Oscar entry, not the Palme d’Or winner. Good-looking teen Kaspar goes from tormentor to protector when he’s had enough of his schoolmates picking on class dork Joosep. After the bullies turn on him as well, an increasingly cruel campaign of violence leads to a horrific confrontation. Excellent acting from the mostly amateur cast points the finger at those who sit by and do nothing — The Class goes a step further in offering a rationale behind this high-school massacre rather than leaving the gunmen as soulless individuals.

An affecting and disturbing insight into bullying, the motivation behind it and the consequences when it all gets out of hand.
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