Casanova’s Big Night Review

Casanova's Big Night
A meek tailor thinks his wooing will be helped if he assumes the identity of the famous Casanova...who's deeply in debt

by Kim Newman |
Published on
Release Date:

07 Apr 1954

Running Time:

86 minutes



Original Title:

Casanova’s Big Night

Casanova, an unbilled Vincent Price, escapes his debtors by letting an insignificant worm (Bob Hope) take his place and reputation. A frothy 50s comedy, aping Hope’s earlier success with Monsieur Beaucaire, but not up to that standard.

However, it does have Basil Rathbone’s sneering, and on the video version a hilarious multiple choice ending feature , where you the audience get to decide whether you want to see “the Paramount ending” (Bob’s head rolling in the basket) or “the Bob Hope ending” (Bob escapes the headsman, kills the villains and gets the girl).

Worth a look for Hope's laugh a minute turn.
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