I Capture The Castle Review

I Capture The Castle
Seventeen year-old Cassandra (Garai) lives with her eccentric family in a crumbling castle in 1930s Suffolk. Two handsome young brothers inherit the estate next door and first love seems imminent.

by Jo Berry |
Published on
Release Date:

09 May 2003

Running Time:

113 minutes



Original Title:

I Capture The Castle

Seventeen year-old Cassandra lives with her eccentric family in a crumbling castle in 1930s Suffolk. Dad (Nighy) is a novelist who hasn't written anything for years, stepmother Topaz (Fitzgerald) is an earthy gal with a habit of dancing naked in the moonlight, and sister Rose (Byrne) dreams that a rich young man will come along and take her away. In fact, two such men - brothers Simon (Thomas) and Neil (Mark Blucas) - do pop by, having inherited the nearby estate.

Luckily for the girls, they're not just wealthy, but handsome too. Not surprisingly, especially when you consider it's based on a novel by Dodie Smith (who wrote 101 Dalmatians), this is a tale of first love aimed squarely at pre-teen girls. Warmly performed against luscious English scenery, it's as sweet and innocent as an eight year-old's crush on Gareth Gates.

Wholly safe but wholly satisfying for its target audience, I Capture The Castle stretches no-one involved but is as pleasant and comfortable as cotton wool.

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