Bustin’ Down The Door Review

Bustin' Down The Door
In 1975 a group of South African and Australian surfers descended on Hawaii and, provoking a certain amount of conflict within the community set about putting their sport and culture on the map.

by Anna Smith |
Published on
Release Date:

24 Aug 2009

Running Time:

96 minutes



Original Title:

Bustin’ Down The Door

We’ve seen plenty of docs about guys who live for the waves, but this is one of the more enlightening, focusing on a formative — and dangerous — period in surfing history. Weatherbeaten Aussies and South Africans remember their joy at discovering Hawaii’s waves in the mid-’70s, but recall death threats from locals unhappy about their brash intrusion.

Classic archive footage will please fans, and there’s enough character insight to get anyone thinking about life choices, but there’s a frustrating lack of information about the current lives of these surfing heroes — this is clearly aimed at those already in the know.

A subject worth exploring but, whilst old footage illustrates the storyline, this doesn't manage to strecth up until the present day.
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