A gritty, callous and satirical post-apocalypse movie based on the Harlan Ellison story, directed by actor L. Q. Jones.
A young Don Johnson stars as Vic, a wasteland wanderer partnered by a telepathic dog (voiced marvellously by Tim McIntire) who seeks out 'females' and has an enjoyably snippy relationship with his 'master'. The boy is then lured by a girl (Susanne Benton) into servitude as a stud in a ghastly underground community run by folksy tyrant Jason Robards, emblazoned in full and freaky clown make-up.
A true oddball, A Boy And His Dog is now seen in some circles as a fullblown cult sci-fi classic, and certainly its low-key depiction of an apocalyptic aftermath has been fairly influential on other similarly themed movies (Mad Max, etc.), while the interplay between Vic and the dog, Blood, could even be seen as a forerunner of certain buddy movies. Sadly, the film's let down by a horribly heartwarming ending that undoes the previous hour and a half of rampant cynicism.