This minor exercise in goth chick fic has Vivian (Agnes Bruckner), a mixed-up young werewolf who works in a Bucharest chocolate shop, torn between the brooding leader of her pack (Olivier Martinez) and a human graphic novelist (Hugh Dancy). Posters emphasise that this comes from ‘the people who made Underworld’, which is mildly misleading since director Katja von Garnier and the writers (loosely adapting a bodice-shredding teen novel by Annette Curtis Klause) aren’t guilty of association with the earlier film.
However, it’s even milder monster stuff than Underworld – with running, jumping dance extras doing parkour through alleys and woods before turning into cuddly-looking wolves who turn out to be ridiculously easy to defeat. If it came to a wolfbitch fight, the girls from Ginger Snaps could rip up the entire werewolf race from Blood and Chocolate without mussing their fur.