How the mighty have fallen. Eddie Murphys sure-thing franchise of the streetwise Chicago cop playing hooky in L.A. hits its lowest ebb in this shambolic Die Hard in a theme park plot. The bad guys are forgers, holed up underneath the leisure park Wonderland; Murphy kicks ass, grins and cracks wise; but director John Landis forgets to include thrills, credibility or an iota of class. Rehashing just about every idea that featured during Foleys first two outings (avenging the death of a friend, two up-tight sidekicks, etc) the film manages to be at once boring and make no sense whatsoever. To put it mildly, utter tosh.
Beverly Hills Cop 3 Review

Axel Foley attempts to avenge the death of his boss by tracking down a group of forgers to a theme park.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1994
Running Time:
104 minutes
Original Title:
Beverly Hills Cop 3
Really quite awful.
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