The first of director Eric Rohmer's six "Comedies and Proverbs" series made in the early 80s, this is typical of his style : engaging, gentle, high on dialogue and fow on storyline, with various unknowns pontificating on life and the moral choices they are continually forced to make. Still, this does at least have something resembling a plot and is all the more entertaining for it: a hapless postal worker (Phillipe Marlaud) trails his girlfriend's oily ex-lover and what he discovers by a series of chances leads him to question whether he has, in fact, been told the truth.
The Aviator’s Wife Review

Unsure that his girlfriend is faithful, François begins to spy on her and her ex-lover.
Release Date:
01 Jan 1981
Running Time:
108 minutes
Original Title:
Aviator’s Wife, The
Every scene is played out just that bit too long, but it's still entertaining and charmingly Gallic
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