The Avenging Angel Review

Avenging Angel, The
Miles Utley (Tom Berenger) is a professional Mormon commando/bodyguard who is forced to turn renegade and to question his faith as he investigates a scandal involving assassination and land speculation

by William Thomas |
Published on
Release Date:

01 Jan 1995

Running Time:

93 minutes



Original Title:

Avenging Angel, The

He’s played God, Michelangelo, Moses, El Cid, Ben Hur and was the only man considered scary enough to frighten Arnie in True Lies. Now, Charlton Heston convincingly essays legendary Mormon leader Brigham Young, literally putting the fear of God into his flock.

Salt Lake City, Utah, 1880s: factions are rising, unhappy with Young’s heavy-handed approach. But polygamous ol’ Brig can sleep easy with his wives, knowing that watching over him is Miles Utley (Berenger), a calculating killer, who justifies his murders as God’s work. Yet after foiling one assassination attempt on Young, Miles is wrongly cast out by his people, leaving him to lead a secret crusade to stop a second conspiracy to topple Young, accompanied grudgingly by his mentor, Porter Rockwell (the excellent Coburn).

This above-average video premiere is boosted by spot-on performances from Heston and Berenger (who co-produced), and though Witness it ain’t, Dennis Nemec’s script and Craig Baxley’s direction ensure tension is sustained. What’s more, this Western details a seldom seen aspect of the frontier with some of the strongest jaws in American acting, and history is well served. The only let-down is the facial hair — The Avenging Angel has a selection of the most patently false beards since

Big names, big idea, big shame.
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