An unconventional, episodic biopic of the Canadian concert pianist Glenn Gould which offers wonderful music and some amazing sound trickery. One sequence, set in a truck-stop, which conveys an impression of what it must be like to have the perfect hearing of a genius musician, is absolutely bravura on an aural level. Otherwise, its a fascinating mosaic of a very strange man: Gould was a pill-popping hypochondriac and obsessive who quit live performing in the middle of a brilliant career and was diverted by bizarre radio documentaries and stock speculation. Most likely to appeal to Bach-on-CD buffs, the film (or rather films) make Gould accessible to the most casually interested.
32 Short Films About Glenn Gould Review

Biopic of the famous Bach-obsessed Canadian pianist
Release Date:
01 Jan 1993
Running Time:
98 minutes
Original Title:
32 Short Films About Glenn Gould
Tough subject, well realised.
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