The first one made a profit — just — so here comes the least-anticipated sequel of 2009. This time, Steve Martin’s Inspector Clouseau is on the hunt for a thief who’s nabbed the world’s top artefacts. Like the first movie, it comes off like a lame version of The Naked Gun, with a smarmy hero, slow gag rate and poor choreography — one set-piece, involving a bank of CCTV monitors, is funny in theory but misfires on screen. Perhaps Martin should surround himself with funny people, rather than serious thesp co-stars Andy Garcia, Alfred Molina and Jean Reno, not to mention dull director Harald Zwart.
The Pink Panther 2 Review

When a priceless trove of artefacts are stolen around the globe, Inspector Clouseau (Martin) is placed in charge of tracking down the culprits and returning the treasures.
Release Date:
13 Feb 2009
Running Time:
91 minutes
Original Title:
Pink Panther 2, The
A mirthless shot in the dark that misses the target by some distance.
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