As befits a savage warrior, Lionsgate's marketing offensive for Conan the Barbarian is a veritable onslaught. Hot on the heels of the most recent trailer comes, by our count, this eighth poster, revealed over the weekend at Fandango.

We've had character banners previously, and a couple of one-sheets that were very much homages to iconic Conan artist Frank Frazetta. This one, we're saying, opts, compositionally-speaking, for a bit of a Drew Struzan vibe. And if "Enter an age undreamed of" sounds like a rather generic fantasy strapline, it's at least referencing both Conan's creator Robert E Howard (from the opening of The Phoenix on the Sword), and the classic Mako narration from the 1982 Arnie film.
As you'll know by now, and as is more than evident here, Conan stars Jason Momoa as the titular Cimmerian adventurer, with Stephen Lang as villain Khalar Zym, Rose McGowan as Marique the witch, and Rachel Nichols as fighting nun Tamara. Ron Perlman is also on-hand in the early stages as Conan's father. And there's a kraken in it.
Conan the Barbarian 3D, directed by Marcus Nispel, is out in the UK on August 26, and there'll be some exciting preview-age at Empire**'s Big Screen, which runs from August 12-14.