Woody Allen stars in first clip from Amazon’s Crisis In Six Scenes

Woody Allen in Crisis In Six Scenes

by Phil de Semlyen |
Published on

September is comedy month on Amazon Prime and Woody Allen is joining the party. The Woodster has created a six-episode Crisis In Six Scenes and the streaming service has released a first clip to give a taste of what to expect. In true Allen style, a simple haircut becomes an opportunity to be psychologically dismantled by a brusque barber.

Co-starring Miley Cyrus and Elaine May (Small Time Crooks), Crisis In Six Scenes is set during the ‘60s, a rocky patch in US history. It centres on a middle-class family living in the burbs that is "visited by a guest who turns their household completely upside down”.

Allen, of course, has his next feature film, Jazz Age romcom Café Society, arriving in our cinemas on September 3.

Crisis In Six Scenes lands on Amazon Prime on September 30. Meanwhile, find out what you should be marking your diary for on Amazon Prime this month.

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