Woody Allen casts Elaine May and Miley Cyrus in his Amazon series

Woody Allen

by James White |
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One piece of this casting news is entirely in line with what we might expect – Elaine May has worked with Woody Allen once before (on Small Time Crooks). The other? More surprising, as Miley Cyrus has won one of the leads in Allen's new series for Amazon.

Allen signed a deal with the streaming service last year, bypassing the traditional Amazon pilot process by which users offer feedback on a single episode and the company decides what goes ahead, and instead landing a commitment to a first season of six 30 minute episodes. We suppose if you can win over someone like Allen, you put the usual guidelines aside...

Since then, the prolific writer/director, who has been putting out almost a film a year, has mostly been concerned that the show is an anchor around his neck. Now, though, it appears he's cracking on, and is planning to star in the show alongside May and Cyrus. Miley's casting is a surprise, but then he's shown plenty of willingness to work with younger actors including the likes of Emma Stone, Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart. Still, who doesn't want to see Miley Cyrus sharing the screen with Woody Allen, if only for the incongruity?

As usual, Allen is keeping his cards close to his chest, but Deadline has ferreted out that the show he's written and will direct is set in the 1960s. The cameras will be rolling in March.

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