Warners Options Unusual Self-Help Book

How to get ahead by being a git

by empire |
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Warner Brothers is getting out of the nice-guy game. The studio has just pinched film rights to Martin Kihn’s non-fiction book A$$hole!! How I Got Rich & Happy By Not Giving A F@*% About You. Charming.

The tome follows Kihn’s switch from sweet-but-unappreciated bloke to successful git. His life changed when he was passed over for promotion because he was “too nice”.

"Everyone loved me, but I wasn't getting anywhere. So I enrolled in acting classes. I saw a career coach and a rational emotive therapist. I also took boxing classes, thinking that would make me more aggressive. I started with my dog, who totally dominated me," Kihn told Variety. "It totally worked, at least professionally, and I made more money at work. Personally, it was a disaster.”

Yes, there’s truly a lesson for us all there. We’ll be interested to see what the film will be like.

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