Want To Play Lyra?

Open call for His Dark Materials casting

Want To Play Lyra?

by empire |
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How would you like to play one of the coolest female characters in modern literature? Sadly most of us will be too old/tall/male, but female fans aged 9-13 from could have the chance to play Lyra Belacqua, the lead in Philip Pullman’s **His Dark Materials **trilogy which is finally coming to the silver screen.

Casting directors Fiona Weir and Lucy Bevan are looking for “a talented young actress who embodies Lyra’s loyalty, bravery and mischievous nature.” The auditions are only open to girls aged between nine and 13, resident in the and accompanied by a parent or guardian. No previous acting experience is required and applicants are not allowed to wear a costume or make-up.

Auditions for Lyra will be held between 4-13 April in Oxford, Kendal, Exeter and Cambridge (very classical). Lyra will be the first part to be cast so boys – watch this space.

Queues are from 10am -2pm and casting closes at 5pm on each day.

April 4 Cambridge Corn Exchange

April 6 Kendal, The Cattle Green Hotel

April 11 Oxford, The Examination School, The High Street

April 13 Exeter, The Great Hall, University Of Exeter

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