Violent Night Sequel In The Works

Violent Night

by James White |
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Last year's Violent Night blended a not-so-jolly Old Saint Nick (David Harbour's Santa Claus) with a Die Hard/Home Alone situation where a wealthy family was held hostage. Fists, bullets and Christmas decorations flew and the result was pure Chrimbo chaos. The movie has been successful enough to warrant talk of a sequel and director Tommy Wirkola told The Wrap that the plans are coming together.

Saying that they're busy making deals and talking through the idea, Wirkola cautioned that it won't happen right away, for good reason.
"We have time to really crack the script and figure out the story,” he said. "And we have some ideas, me and Pat and Josh (Casey and Miller, who also wrote the original) and the producers, we’ve been talking about where we want to take it and what we want to see."

While the first film used some of the recognisable Santa aspects, there are others still to be plumbed. "There’s stuff we left on the floor like the North Pole, Mrs. Claus, the elves,” Wirkola adds. "But story-wise I think we have a really, really cool idea that expands on the world and scope, but still keeping that tone that we love from the first one."


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